
País Kenia
Restauración de Pastizales en África Oriental a través del Enriquecimiento del Suelo
Las praderas de sabana de África Oriental abarcan regiones que se caracterizan principalmente como zonas áridas o semiáridas. Desafortunadamente, las zonas semiáridas corren el riesgo de convertirse en zonas áridas, mientras que las zonas áridas son vulnerables a sequías severas, que pueden detener las actividades pastorales. Las regiones también sufren de bajos niveles de carbono, como resultado de años de sobrepastoreo insostenible del ganado que causa una erosión excesiva del suelo y un mayor declive del carbono orgánico del suelo.
Boomitra and EarthAcre partner with local organizations to assist pastoralists in adopting improved grassland management practices. This approach includes a range of techniques such as rotational grazing, biodiversity conservation, improved livestock and water management, and capacity-building programs. These practices help to prevent the loss of topsoil cover, improve soil carbon sequestration, regenerate vegetation, and accelerate the restoration of soil fertility and ecosystem services in degraded grasslands. By implementing these methods, it's possible to address the challenges facing the region, mitigate climate change, and protect the livelihoods of the pastoral communities. VCUs may be issued for the greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals associated with mixed-species grazing management in this region.
Área total: 600,000 acres
ID de proyecto: 3340
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Clima, Comunidad y Biodiversidad
This grassland restoration project not only combats climate change but also provides numerous co-benefits. The majority of the revenue generated from carbon will be returned to the landowners and communities who are actively participating in the project. Furthermore, the project will establish a local organization in partnership with landowners, pastoralists, and local stakeholders for capacity building, knowledge sharing, and regional coordination of interventions. The project is designed to enhance the group management of grasslands which is essential for long-term stewardship and regeneration, while ensuring transparent sharing of benefits. By safeguarding grasslands known for their exceptional mammalian densities, the project will contribute to the preservation of diverse wildlife.
Este proyecto contribuye a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas.